Arria Slideshow


This Arria slideshow is a collection of photographs taken of Andy Scott's iconic steel sculpture from different angles round the compass.

  • Arria - Sculpture overlooking the M80 at Cumbernauld
  • Arria - Sculpture overlooking the M80 at Cumbernauld
  • Arria - Sculpture overlooking the M80 at Cumbernauld
  • Arria - Sculpture overlooking the M80 at Cumbernauld
  • Arria - Sculpture overlooking the M80 at Cumbernauld
  • Arria - Sculpture overlooking the M80 at Cumbernauld
  • Arria - Sculpture overlooking the M80 at Cumbernauld
  • Arria - Sculpture overlooking the M80 at Cumbernauld
  • Arria - Sculpture overlooking the M80 at Cumbernauld
  • Arria - Sculpture overlooking the M80 at Cumbernauld
  • Arria - Sculpture overlooking the M80 at Cumbernauld
  • Arria - Sculpture overlooking the M80 at Cumbernauld
  • Arria - Sculpture overlooking the M80 at Cumbernauld


The slideshow starts automatically. You can stop the autochange function temporarily by positioning the cursor over the photograph you want to remain on screen. Moving the cursor off the slide area will start the slideshow once again. You can also turn the autochange function off and on by clicking on the stop/go button at the bottom right hand corner. You can also use the left and right arrow buttons to go forward or back in the slide sequence.

My own personal favourite is the photograph below. You can almost imagine Arria as a "chanteuse" in the back court of a Glasgow tenement, leaning back and singing her heart out to the residents in the high flats in Seafar at the top of the hill.



Arria - Angel of the 'Nauld


The clip below is a timelapse video showing the erection of Arria in her final position overlooking the M80 Glasgow to Sirling motorway, just north of Auchenkilns.




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